A downloadable Homely Hinterlands for Windows and Linux

Homely Hinterlands
Homely Hinterlands features a sprawling forest created tile by tile where resources are gathered to create unique buildings and advancements tied to specific animal species

Use resources to attract animals who then grant you new and unique buildings to place. These buildings affect your resources and resource gathering capabilities. Go down the species trees for increasingly extravagant results.

Current State
The game is in a prototype sandbox state right now. This means that over time more features will be added, but the game is rather barebones and not much of a game yet. I do hope you enjoy your time in Hinterlands, let me know what you'd like to see added to the game :)


HomelyHinterlands_2.1_Linux.zip 90 MB
HomelyHinterlands_2.1_Windows.zip 88 MB

Install instructions

Both windows and linux versions of the game can be ran directly, no need for installing anything.


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really did not expect to have as much fun with this prototype as I did -- art style is pleasing and though not being able to remove objects placed was frustrating everything else about the controls is smooth and intuitive. looking forward to seeing a more realized product out of this in the future (concept is promising !)

Thank you for the kind works gwynn!
As you can see the game has drastically changed :D
There's a more barebones version now to prove a new system of using a triangle based grid. In future updates more content will arrive, I hope you'll enjoy the game as much or more by then :)